Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall JOY

Can you feel it?? I get so excited for September. I love all things fall.

Now the real question is when can the decorating??? The store have started so why can't I? I am thinking next week. I can't wait to pull out all my fall decorations and of course my Martha glittered pumpkins. We definitely need another glitter night girls!!

Things I find JOY in this time of year........

Back to school.....we have had a LONG summer from surgery to every illness known to man I am ready. I love taking Noah back to school shopping, and yes I realize it is only preschool (I can't wait for the real thing) I went to Target and WAlmart with a few friends who were buying their kids back to school goods....I am not going to lie I was jealous! I love new pens and crayons...nerdy I know!

Getting dark earlier......My kids are in bed by 7:30 every night. And it helps when it is fully dark.

Usually it gets cooler..........we will see usually this doesn't happen until October I can't wait to break out sweaters and jeans!

Fall scents...Yankee candle is one of my favorite stores!! And I love their pumpkin cinnamon yum yum!

Pumpkin.........I love the trader joes pumpkin bread add chocolate chips....SO yummy! Breads, bagels, bars, muffins....mmmm diet what??

Soup.....Jeff hates soup for dinner but I love a good soup with some sourdough bread!

Did I mention DECORATIONS??? When can I start them again???

Get excited it's almost here!!!!


  1. I know. My boys are excited for the decorations too. I really want it to be cool enough for me to want soup for dinner. Trips to Disneyland that require a jacket (not a coat just a jacket). Wanting Bryan to smoke meat for hours so my house smells like pulled pork or turkey or pulled pork (can you tell, I want pulled pork?).

  2. I know I want to do it all too this year but I am already HUGE so I really can imagine me pulling all the stuff out and having the energy to get it up and then put away. Oh well. I do atleast have to pull out some decorations for Halloween for Gwenie.
