Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Did you watch?????

I did and it was so sad! I have always been a fan of the show. I read Kate's book multiple blessings. I must say I am a Kate fan. Yeah she may be a shrew not always having the nicest things to say. But I am pretty sure if I had 8 three year olds on any given day I would not be happy if I saw myself and the things I would have said.
She has to run a tight ship to not create chaos.

Really I feel bad for Kate I could sense the sadness she felt and she knew she wasn't perfect and I really feel like the last few episodes have really showed her trying to be nicer or maybe she is just under far less stress the sextuplets are no longer babies, they no longer have financial burden. I think that can definitly change a persons demeanor. On he show Jon said he was excited about his future that he was only 32 and had a lot of life to still live. Him and his UGLY earings didn't seemed that fazed by the whole situation and was just happy to be rid of Kate and the kids. I hope she and the kids find some sort of happiness she really seems like she has a good grasp on the reality of the situation. ahhh those poor kids!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teacher Gifts

I made these to give to Noah's preschool teachers. I found this idea on a blog....which I can't find......but I thought it was so cute and easy. I wrapped a magazine around a beach towel...the note on it said have a relaxing summer!

Share your teacher ideas or gifts. I try and come up with something besides the usual.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Picture Frame Craft

When I first came across this craft I couldn't wait to make it. It was so simple and because I had most of the stuff at home it only cost 5 bucks.

I bought the poster board frame at Target. They have ones that are larger and ones that have a bit nicer of a frame. I knew I was going to be putting magnets on the back to put on my fridge. I have been using it for to do lists, menus and shopping list. I LOVE it. And maybe my sweetie left me a few love notes on it. (which made my day)
Here is all you need......

Remove all packaging and take frame a part like you are putting a picture in it. Cover the cardboard with a piece of fabric.....you need enough fabric to wrap and glue around the edges. Fold over and hot glue. (you don't need much glue if it is too thick it will be hard to slide the frame back over it.)

Here is the end result.....I ended up re-doing it with different fabric. That print was to too busy and You couldn't see the dry erase markers very well. So I would recommend a simple pattern and not too dark. I need to grab some heavy duty magnets I glued some on the back but it is not staying as I would like....but I LOVE it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Moon.....

Have you seen the trailer??? I am so excited. I know totally dorky but I am I can't wait for November.

New Moon was by far my favorite of the books. I need to re-read it. I think I may start.....and I am not going to lie watching the trailer kinda of made me like Jacob....a little. I have ALWAYS been team Edward. But maybe once I re-read it I will change my mind.

I know these are beyond cheesy but I am still looking forward to it. Who's going with me???